发布时间:2020-03-24 浏览量:10079



On the afternoon of March 24,an online seminar on youth translator teams was jointly held by maritime courts from Nanjing, Shanghai and Ningbo. Min Xing, member of the Party Committee and Director of Political Department of NMC, attended the seminar and gave a speech.Nearly thirty members of youth translator teams from the three courts attended the seminar. Associate Professor Zheng Rui from School of Law, Shanghai Maritime University, was invited to give a speech on frontier issues of British maritime law, as well as how to promote maritime legal translation and international communication. Participants had an in-depth discussion on developing youth translatorteams, and enhancing communication and cooperation. Zhao Peiyuan, Director ofthe Maritime Tribunal of NMC presided over the seminar.




Min Xing, Director of Political Department of NMC, expected that the three maritime courts should enhance communication, construct a normalized cooperation mechanism gradually,create a resource sharing platform, and establish a joint maritime youth translator team in the integrated Yangtze River Delta in the future. These practices he mentioned will lay a solid foundation of establishing closer collaboration at higher level among the three maritime courts, escort the development strategies of “the Belt & Road”, regional integration of the Yangtze River Delta, and the Yangtze River Economic Zone, and assist with the construction of international maritime judicial center in China. 



Professor Zheng Rui introduced the latest legislative and judicial development of British maritime law, and shared practical skills of accessing, filtering and organizing information about maritime law. In addition, he presented the methods and main notesof legal translation by analyzing the characteristics of legal English. His speech broadened everyone’s horizon and ideas.


The youth translator teams from Shanghai and Ningbo Maritime Courts shared their advanced experience. Members of youth translator teams from the three courts also exchanged ideas on establishment of mechanism, transformation of achievements, etc.