The signing ceremony for the Beijing Convention on the Judicial Sale of Ships was successfully held in Beijing
发布时间:2023-09-11 浏览量:7080

The signing ceremony for the Beijing Convention on the Judicial Sale of Ships (Beijing Convention) was successfully held in Beijing, Sep 5, 2023. At the ceremony, ministers/heads of delegations, United Nations officials and senior officials of China witnessed Beijing Convention, which is the first convention on the judicial sales of ships in the world, the first UN convention in the maritime field that names after a Chinese city, was open for signature.


The purpose of Beijing Convention is to govern the international effects of a judicial sale of a ship that confers clean title on the purchasers. Beijing Convention is of great significance in promoting healthy development of the shipping industry, in that it enhances the legal certainly of the judicial sale of ships, provides security and predictability of the multilateral trading system, and protects the lawful rights and interests of ship owners and relevant creditors.


On the afternoon of Sep 5, the international symposium on the Beijing Convention was held in Beijing International Convention Center. Wang Shumei, permanent member of the Supreme People's Court's judicial committee (vice-minister level), attended the event and delivered a speech. She raised her hope that all the signatories should strengthen cooperation, continuously improve the perfection of international maritime law system, strive to realize unification of the legal institution of international maritime law; strengthen innovation, continuously optimize the legislative idea of international maritime law, promote common development; enhance sharing, continuously expand achievements in international maritime legislation, jointly promote the development of international maritime law.