南京海事法院海事审判报告Report on Trials of Nanjing Maritime Court of PRC (2021.1-2021.12)
发布时间:2022-12-08 浏览量:67968







(一) 总体概况






(二) 案件构成

1. 民事案件:受理2262件,同比增长39.72%。其中,新收1753件,同比增长14.80%;审结1785件,同比增长60.81%。其中收案数量排名前三的案由分别是:海上、通海水域货物运输合同纠纷(206件),海上、通海水域货运代理合同纠纷(188件),船员劳务合同纠纷(133件)。(见图表2


2. 行政案件:受理126件,同比减少17.65%。其中,新收68件,同比减少55.26%;审结118件,同比增长24.21%

3. 执行案件:受理1021件,同比增长90.84%。其中,新收901件,同比增长70.97%;执结919件,同比增长121.45%

4. 扣押船舶情况:依法扣押船舶118艘,其中外国籍、港澳台船舶4艘;依法拍卖成交船舶11艘,拍卖成交总额5938.82万元。

5. 涉外涉港澳台案件情况:受理197件,占全院受理民事案件的8.71%。其中,新收107件,占全院新收民事案件的6.10%;审结110件,占全院审结民事案件的6.16%。案件涉及中国香港、新加坡、马绍尔群岛等41个国家或地区。涉一带一路签约国案件80件,占比40.61%,其中,新收44件,审执结41件,案件涉及新加坡、韩国、巴拿马等19一带一路签约国。

6. 派出法庭收结案情况:派出法庭共受理案件1674件,占全院受理案件的49.11%。其中,新收案件1337件,占全院新收案件49.12%;审结1348件,占全院审结案件47.77%。(见图表3







































































2018522日,中建公司所有的巴拿马籍散货船“ZHONG JIAN”轮与郑所有 安捷利18”轮在黄海南部海域发生碰撞,事故造成两船船体不同程度受损。经查明,“ZHONG JIAN”轮产生修理费、检验费、租金及燃油损失等1,676,834.14元,安捷利18”轮产生修理费、船期损失、维持费用等715,573元。因双方对于事故责任的认定争议较大,中建公司向南京海事法院提起诉讼,诉请某按照90%责任比例赔偿损失,某反诉要求中建公司按照60%责任比例赔偿损失。


南京海事法院经审理认为,海上航行船舶应当遵守《1972年国际海上避碰规则》(以下简称《避碰规则》)。本案中,虽然安捷利18”轮未接入船艏向数据,但可以综合其他数据并考虑一定风压差确定安捷利18”轮船艏向,再结合“ZHONG JIAN”AISSVDR数据和安捷利18”AIS数据,可以判定两船互见时,“ZHONG JIAN”轮位于安捷利18”轮右舷,两船系大角度或垂直交叉相遇局面。依据《避碰规则》关于交叉相遇局面应采取的避碰行动规定,可以认定“ZHONG JIAN”轮是直航船,安捷利18”轮是让路船。安捷利18”轮错判对方为追越船,未履行尽早宽裕让清直航船的义务,导致两船形成紧迫局面,应当承担事故主要责任。与此同时,“ZHONG JIAN”轮违反《避碰规则》第十七条关于直航船可以独自采取操纵行动的规定,应当承担事故次要责任。综上,法院认定“ZHONG JIAN”轮承担30%事故责任,安捷利18”轮承担70%事故责任,并据此确定中建公司、郑应当承担的具体赔偿数额。








高诚5”GAO CHENG5)轮系中国香港籍危化品船舶,因船东拖欠某金融控股公司4558万元借款,该公司向南京海事法院提出诉前扣押船舶申请。高诚5”轮在江苏靖江港某公司码头被依法扣押时,船上共有船员19人,含外籍船员(缅甸籍)5人,同时该船装载有1600余吨危化品乙酸仲丁酯(SBAC),该类化学品具有易燃特性。后因双方就款项支付迟迟未达成一致意见,该轮一直被扣押于靖江港。因靖江港区域并无案涉化学品船舶停泊锚地,且靖江港扣押地不具备就地卸货的客观条件,在船舱内长期储存该类危化品货物对该船及船上人员、靠泊港口航道甚至长江水域环境均带来了重大风险。











20195月,“ALS JUVENTUS”轮装载多个集装箱新鲜大蒜由中国连云港运往印度尼西亚泗水,达飞轮船(中国)有限公司代表承运人法国达飞海运集团签发了提单,正利航业有限公司、正利航业股份有限公司亦在提单签发及托运过程中代表法国达飞海运集团处理相关事宜。后因船方管货不当,涉案货物发生热损,导致包括鑫瑞源公司在内的多个托运人无法收回货款而造成损失。后鑫瑞源等六公司诉至南京海事法院,就货损主张赔偿。


该六起涉外、涉台系列案件立案受理时正值新冠疫情爆发,因当事人涉及法国、新加坡及我国台湾地区,送达诉讼法律文书困难重重,法院通过司法大数据搜索并联系到外国当事人在中国诉讼的常用诉讼代理人,但此后国外疫情严重影响代理手续办理公证认证,为推进案件审理进度,法院在征得鑫瑞源等六公司同意的前提下,准许律师迟延提交授权书的公证认证手续。法国达飞海运集团基于自身利益考虑,以涉案提单中存在与本提单证明的货物运输合同相关的所有纠纷均由法国马赛商事法院管辖的约定为由,提出管辖权异议。在等待公证认证手续过程中,法院及时开展调解工作,积极引导各方当事人对赔偿责任归属形成清晰认识,经调解各方达成由法国达飞海运集团与鑫瑞源等六公司协商解决纠纷的共识。20207法国达飞海运集团提交诉讼代理授权的公证认证手续,同意接受南京海事法院管辖。后经多次在线交换证据、在线调解,最终达成调解协议, 一揽子解决六起纠纷。


























案号 (2021)72民初683

















2019929日,巴拿马籍 NHE航运公司与四海荣公司签订《租船确认书》,约定四海荣公司租用NHE航运公司的海澜之轮运输一批货物。后NHE航运公司与四海荣公司因上述《租船确认书》发生纠纷,NHE航运公司在英国伦敦提起仲裁。2020623日,裁决仲裁员Ian Gaunt海澜之衡轮租船确认书纠纷作出仲裁裁决。202071日,Ian Gaunt作出《仲裁裁决更正备忘录》,对仲裁裁决中有关《租船确认书》签订的时间进行了补正。后因四海荣公司未履行仲裁裁决确定的义务,NHE航运公司向南京海事法院申请承认和执行该仲裁裁决。








Report on Trails of Nanjing Maritime Court of PRC (2021)

(January—December 2021)


In 2021, guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Nanjing Maritime Court(hereinafter “NMC”) thoroughly implemented Xi Jinping Thought on the rule of law, the decisions of the central and provincial committees as well as the work requirements of the higher courts. Committed to the goal of “striving to build a national first-class and even internationally influential maritime court”, NMC strengthened the foundation, pursued progress steadily, and vigorously implemented four projects of “high-quality trial, service brand, infrastructure construction, quality improvement”. It saw the big picture of services in a forward-looking way, refined the trial and enforcement process, formulated rules and regulations systematically, provided informationalized litigation services, and built a professional team to comprehensively deepen high-quality maritime judicial practice, guarantee higher level of opening up and high-quality economic and social development in Jiangsu Province.


I. Basic Facts

(i) General Overview

In 2021, NMC accepted 3,409 cases of various types with an increase of 47.77% over last year, ranking the fifth among the maritime courts in China. Among these, 2,722cases were newly accepted, withan increase of 23.39% overlastyear, ranking the sixth among the maritime courts; 2,822 cases were concluded, with an increase of 74.20% comparedwiththefigureof 2020, ranking the sixth among the maritime courts.

In 2021, the quality and effectivenessoftrialsofNMC continue improving, the clearance-acceptance ratio was 103.64%, with an increase of 30.24 percentage points over last year, 7.76 percentage points higher than the average figure of other maritime courts. Other indicators on trial and execution are stable. with a clearance rate of 82.78%, the clearance rate within the statutory period was 72.97%, 76.36% casesweresettledwithoutappeals, 0.17% caseswerereversedorsetasideforretrial rate bythesecondtrail.

In 2021, the total subject amount of cases accepted by NMC was 5.218 billion yuan, of which 4.022 billion yuan (77.08%) were trial cases and 1.196 billion yuan (22.92%) were enforcement cases. (Chart 1)

Chart 1: The Subject Amount of Cases Accepted by NMC


(ii) Composition of Cases

1. Civil cases: 2,262 cases accepted, with an increase of 39.72% over last year. Among these, 1,753 cases were newly accepted, with an increase of 14.80% over last year; 1,785 cases were concluded, an increase of 60.81% over last year. The top three disputes were over: contracts of carriage of goods by sea or by waters leading to the sea (206 cases), contractsoffreight forwarding by sea or by waters leading to the sea (188 cases), and contracts of seaman service(133 cases). (Chart 2)

Chart 2: Top Ten Disputes of the Newly-accepted Cases


2. Administrative cases: 126 cases were accepted, a decrease of 17.65% over last year. Among these, 68 cases were newly accepted, with a decrease of 55.26% over last year; 118 cases were concluded, with an increase of 24.21% over last year.

3. Enforcement cases: 1,021 cases were accepted, with an increase of 90.84% over last year. Among these, 901 cases were newly accepted, with an increase of 70.97% over last year; 919 cases were concluded, with an increase of 121.45% over last year.

4. Arrest of ships: 118 ships were arrested in accordance with the law, and 4 flying the flags of foreign countries or Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan; 11 ships were judicially sold in accordance with the law, with a total turnover of 59,388,200 yuan.

5. Cases involving foreign countries, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan: 197 cases were accepted, accounting for 8.71% of all civil cases accepted by NMC. Among these, 107 cases were newly accepted, accounting for 6.10% of all new civil cases acceptedby NMC; 110 cases were concluded, accounting for 6.16% of all civil cases concluded by the Court. The cases involved 41 countries or regions, including Hong Kong (China), Singapore and the Marshall Islands. There were 80 cases involving signatories who also take part in the Belt and Road Initiative, accounting for 40.61% of the total cases. Among these, 44 cases were newly acceptedand 41 cases were concluded, involving 19 signatories, such as Singapore, South Korea and Panama.

6. Cases of DispatchedTribunals: 1,674 cases were accepted by dispatched tribunals, accounting for 49.11% of the accepted cases of NMC. Among these, 1,337 cases were newly accepted, accounting for 49.12% of the newly accepted cases of NMC; 1,348 cases were concluded, accounting for 47.77% of the concluded cases of NMC. (Chart 3)

Chart 3: Cases Accepted by the Dispatched Tribunals




(iii) The Openness of the Justice System

In 2021, 1,335(80.15%) judgments were uploaded on the China Judgments Online; 803(43.67%) trails were broadcast live on the China Open Trial, with 254,348 times of views in total; 1,417(100%) cases were effectively disclosed through China Judicial Process Information Online, with an effective disclosure rate of 100%.

Ⅱ.Work Highlights

(i) Implementing the new development concept, accurately escorting the national strategies

NMC carried out forward-looking research centred on national strategies such as the construction ofa strong maritime country and the Belt and Road Initiative, put forward maritime judicial measures related to the special regulatory policies, including the "negative list" of free trade pilot zones.In addition, NMC introduced 14 measures which focus on international shipping, logistics, ship building, shipping finance, international port construction and crew labour to ensure a higher level of opening up. To promote high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and fully implement the Yangtze River Protection Law, NMC jointly issued nine initiatives and ten typical cases with the provincial Department of Transport and Jiangsu Maritime Bureau, which got approval by the leaders of Supreme People's Court.To actively serve the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, NMC signed the Yangtze River Delta maritime judicial cooperation agreement with maritime courts in Shanghai, Ningbo and Wuhan, established a platform for exchanges on maritime judicial cooperation in the Yangtze River Delta and assisted thecourts in the Yangtze River delta region with maritime enforcement for 58 times. To promote the development of Jiangsu maritime economy, NMC was well aligned with the development strategy of Jiangsu coastal areas and studied the measures on maritime judicial services.

(ii) Making NMC a "preferred"place for dissolving maritime disputes through elite trials

To enhance the effectiveness of trials of foreign-related cases, NMC improved the mechanism for hearing cases involving foreign affairs, equippedwith the database of Lloyd's reports, delivered the legalinstruments of the foreign-related cases through electronic ways,carried out remote examination of evidences abroad and formulated procedures for the identification of foreign laws. Committed to the elite performances and craftsmanship spirit, NMC concluded and launched 23 typical cases involving services to ensure a high level of opening-up and to implement the Yangtze River Protection Law and the spirit of "addressing practical issues for the people". In a dispute over an international shipbuilding contract, thelitigants from Norway and China changed the agreed jurisdiction from arbitration in the UK to litigation in NMC on their own initiative. This case was selected as one of the annual top ten typical maritime cases of China. Upholding open and transparent judicial principles, NMCheld five press conferences on different dates, such as the China Maritime Day, the Day of the Seafarer, the second anniversary of working, to propagandize the work of NMC. 51 reports about NMC were published in the People's Court Daily, Xinhua Daily and other mainstream media. NMC's Chinese and English websites were updated in real time, six issues of Voice of Maritime Law in English were released, typical maritime cases were published in several languages, with 730,000 hits on the Microblog, WeChat and news apps. The microfilm Polaris, an adaptation based on a real case, won the second prize of the 8th National Court "Golden Gavel Award" and the first prize of the 6th Safe Jiangsu "Three Micros" Competition and the collection of excellent cultural works of politics and law.

(iii) Enforcing the law for the people, enhancing the people's sense of contentmentfrom maritime justice

NMC optimized litigation services and fully carried out online filing, cross-domain filing and online litigation through a big data analysis platform for maritime trials, a teleconferencing system for judges as well as an Internet court, realizing"trial, execution and justice as usual"during the COVID-19 epidemic.To further diversify the resolution of maritimedisputes, firstlyNMC set up a platform to resolve maritime disputes in cooperation withthe Shanghai headquarter of the China Maritime Arbitration Commission and the Nanjing Arbitration Commission. Secondly NMC setup 12 additional one-stop dispute resolution centres. Thirdly, a new circuit trial base was established in Jiangyin, Wuxi.NMC opened a fast pass for crew lawsuits and five workstations for crew rights in the Yangtze River water service area. During the COVID-19epidemic, NMC has successively helped the detained crew to change shifts and repatriate foreign crew members, in total 42people. In the meantime, the one-stop centre for resolving fishing-related conflicts resolved 132 cases before litigation, helping fishermen to obtain timely compensation and recover economic losses of more than RMB 20 million. To give full play to service functions of detached tribunal, firstlythe Taizhou detached tribunal with the local court helped bankrupt shipbuilding enterprises to quickly restore its production capacity. Secondly,the Suzhou detached tribunal served the innovative development of the Pilot Free Trade Zone in Suzhou. Thirdly, the police officers of the Lianyungang detached tribunal and Nantong detached tribunal resolved conflicts and disputes at the primary level such as in fishing villages, aboard fishing boats and in mudflats. Fourthly, the advanced deeds of Qi Honggui, a mediator of the one-stop centre for resolving fishing-related conflicts, were popularized nationwide by the Supreme People's Court.

(iv) Adhering to systematic planning and improving the operation mechanism of maritime trial power

NMC improved the establishment of rules and systems, made the Development Planfor Nanjing Maritime Court (2021-2025) and implemented the judicial accountability system. The new management mode of court president trial supervision with maritimecharacteristics was selected as a 2021 judicial reform case in Jiangsu courts. With thehelp of the provincial court, NMC made efforts to further clarify themaritime judicial division of commerce and administration, involving the cases of Grand Canal. In this way,NMC reasonablyhas determined the hearing scope of the maritime court on inlandriver cases and explored the "three-in-one" mechanism reformof the maritime trial, In active liaison with the provincial Department of Natural Resources and the provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, NMC expanded the "four-party collaboration" between maritime justice and administrative law enforcement to a "1+10" model. NMCbuilt China's first "peer-to-peer" online ship enforcement and control system and opened the port cargo enforcement and control platform, which was listed in the top ten outstanding cases of the "1stJiangsu Smart Rule of Law".Additionally, NMC improved the external supervision mechanism of maritime judicature and exploredthe specific realization form ofspecial courts being responsibleand reporting work to the people's congress and its standing committee, such as inviting 38 "two representatives and a commission member" to participate in the "taking advice" forum 5 times and visit the court and attend the court hearing 3 times. After the Activity, the representatives and commission members highly recognized the work of NMC.

(v) Implementingfull and strict governance over the Party, forging a professional maritime trial team

To improve cohesion and competitiveness of the team, NMC organizedParty history learning and education activities as well as in-depth team education and rectification. Aiming at trainingcompound talents equipped with the "knowledge of law, foreign languages, sea, trade and shipping", broadening international perspectives of court officers and improving their professional ability, NMC formulated the Five-year Plan for Team Building (2021-2025), launched the " elites of maritime court" training program, held nine sessions of "Maritime Lecture", appointed 10 court officers to the Supreme People's Court and Jiangsu High Peoples Court for case study, to study in universities and to port and shipping enterprises as interns, customized training courses for the youth translation group, organized academic salons on a regular basis, set up legal English training at weekends, and strengthened exchanges and cooperation with universities.Forty-nine papers written by court officers were published in journals such as Journal of Law Application, People's Judicature, Chinese Journal of Maritime Law and World Shipping, or won awards at national and provincial conferences. One judge was awarded as a national expert in trial practice, two judges were awarded as provincial experts in trial practice, and one judge was awarded as an advanced individual in the People's Court's trial work on foreign commercial and maritime cases.

III. Issues and Suggestions

In order to better serve major national strategies such as the building of a powerful maritime country and the Belt and Road Initiative, and to help create a market-oriented and international business environment in accordance with the law, NMC has sorted out and summarized practical experiences of maritime trials since undertaking its duties, and put forward the following suggestions on business, management or professional risks facing the following maritime bodies:

(i) Suggestions for shipbuilding enterprises

Shipbuilding is a capital-intensiveand technology-intensive industry, which not only involves a large amount of work, long and complicated processes, but also involves various factors such as material supply, staffing, fund raising, climate conditions and government supervision, and is prone to disputes.Since undertaking its duties, NMC has accepted 108 cases of shipbuilding disputes, which have reflected the following problems:(1) Financing risksare high. Some small-sized and medium-sized shipbuilding enterprises take initiatives to advance funds for shipbuilding in order to undertake projects, while their funds are generally financed from private sources at high interest rates.If the capital chain breaks down during the shipbuilding process, or if the ordering party abandons the ship, they will be difficult to resist the market risks.(2) The performance period is long. Price surges of raw materials and equipment, or dramatic market changes during the performance of shipbuilding contracts, may exert adverse impact to a party in continuing to perform the contract. (3) The technical facts are highly disputed. Ship quality is usually intertwined with ship design, ship key equipment and quality of special articles. Additionally, when shipowners, ship enterprises and classification societies sign agreements for the classification survey and drawing review for the shipbuilding, there are often inconsistencies in terms of the starting date and construction period agreed in the previous construction contract, which will affect the calculation of the construction period and liquidated damages.

Suggestions: (1) Prevent and resolve financing risks. Shipbuilding requires a sufficient and stable supply of funds due to its large demand for capital and long duration, so shipbuilding enterprises should carefully choose suitable financing sources, and ensure that the fund is "earmarked" to effectively prevent capital chain rupture by financing. (2) Fully formulate contract terms. To avoid subsequent disputes, ship enterprises and shipowners should make clear agreement on the contract price, payment method, approval of ship design, inspection during construction, trial trip and delivery, delay in delivery and extension, ship registration, the right of release for breach of contract between the buyer and the seller, insurance and jurisdiction clause, etc. (3) Pay attention to collecting relevant evidence. The parties to a shipbuilding contract should pay attention to collecting and fixing the evidence reflecting the formation and development of the legal relationship between the two parties, especially those which change the content of the contract in the course of performance, including mails, minutes of meetings, project verification form and telephone records, so as to accurately determine the relevant facts in the event of subsequent disputes between the parties.

(ii) Suggestions to shipping enterprises

There are many uncertainties in the shipping market, such as weather, hydrology, channel environment inspection, port operation capacity, pandemic, etc., which may affect the ship's journey and bring many challenges for shipping enterprises to complete the transportation according to the contract and obtain business benefits. Since taking up its duties, the Court has accepted 435 cases of disputes over contract of carriage of goods, which have reflected the following problems: (1) When shippers or receivers fail to pay freight and demurrage in full and on time, shipping enterprises, as carriers, retain goods of a value far in excess of the costs they claim or dispose of the retained goods illegally without consultation, causing losses to the shippers.(2) When a shipping enterprise arrives at the anchorage of the loading port to wait for loading according to the contract of carriage of goods, and learns that it needs to wait for a long time to load the goods, it unilaterally terminates the contract without the formation of dissolution condition agreed in the contract to avoid losses due to the long delay of the ship, and sails the ship away from the loading port and returns the deposit paid by the shipper, causing losses to the shipper. (3) When their vessels are underway, shipping enterprises fail to take give-way action, maintain a safe speed and keep watch as required, leading to an increased risk of navigational accidents, and some dependent shipping enterprises neglect their safety management, leading to illegal operation by the actual operator.

Suggestions: (1) Lawful exercise of lien rights. Shipping enterprises should, in compliance with the relevant provisions on liens in the Civil Codeand the Maritime Law, stipulate clearly in the contract the period of time for the performance of the debt before and after retaining the property, the cost of keeping the property and the expense of realising the lien, based on the risk prediction and the freightage type. When deciding to exercise the lien right, shipping enterprises should control the limit of the retained property, keep the retained property properly, pay attention to the statutory or agreed period of debt performance and realise the lien right in accordance with the law, so as to avoid infringing the rights and interests of others by improperly exercising the lien right.(2) Refine the provisions on demurrage. When agreeing on demurrage, shipping enterprises should take full account of the risk of the ship's journey and the possible loss of demurrage, and improve the calculation method and standard of demurrage in the contract to protect their own expected interests. (3) Raise awareness of risk prevention. Shipping enterprises should ensure that vessels are manned with adequate qualified crew, and improve the ship maneuvering and collision prevention skills of the crew. When ships are involved in dependent operations, the dependent shipping enterprises should fully perform their own safety management obligations.

(iii) Suggestions for freight forwarding enterprises

Marine freight forwarding is an important link in the transportation of goods by sea, and is also an important part of the marine economic service industry. With the foreign trade industry being affected by objective factors such as pandemic in recent years, the relevant business risks have also been transferred to the freight forwarding industry. Moreover, due to the low entry threshold and the complicated operations, the legal disputes related to freight forwarding enterprises increase  in the daily operation process. Since performing its duties, NMC has accepted 414 cases of freight forwarding disputes which reflect the following problems: (1) freight forwarding business operators often communicate with the other party through WeChat and emails without signing a written contract or grasping the name of the principal, business address, contact information, etc., which makes it difficult to identify the party ,serve documents on the party effectively and resolve disputes in time after they occur.(2) In the freight forwarding contract, the title of the contract is often inconsistent with the signatory. It is difficult to accurately define the party in the contract if more than one party participates in the contract performance and is responsible for the submission of orders, delivery and payment respectively. (3) Re-entrustment is common in the freight forwarding industry. But because the rights and obligations of entrustment contracts signed between different parties are not completely consistent, it is difficult for freight forwarding enterprises in the middle to claim rights from the shipper when they pay relevant fees in advance and have legal disputes.

Suggestions:(1) Standardize the signing of contracts. Freight forwarding enterprises should, as far as possible, sign a written commission contract in their operation to clarify the relative parties to the contract, determine the rights and obligations of both parties, and add a confirmation clause for service address in the contract to make it clear that the address confirmed by both parties can be used not only as the address for service of relevant documents in the performance of the contract, but also as the address for service of legal documents by arbitration institutions and judicial authorities after a dispute has occurred.(2) Enhance the awareness of evidence. Freight forwarding enterprises, in the performance of the contract, should pay attention to keep evidence which will affect the rights and obligations confirmed and timely consolidate the fact confirmed by both parties. When  the third party charges fees, freight forwarding companies should retain the original proof of payment and negotiable instrument issued by the third party to avoid using the invoice made by the freight forwarding enterprise instead of the actual proof of payment.(3) Prevent the risk of sub-delegation. Freight forwarding enterprises should obtain the explicit consent of the principal when the relevant matters need to be sub-entrusted, and also ensure that the rights and obligations of the upstream agency contract are consistent with the downstream one to avoid bearing the risks that should be borne by the principal.

(iv) Suggestions for fishermen and crew

Marine fishing is a recognized high-risk industry. It usually covers multiple production spots in a wide area, requires a long period and is subject to weather and sea conditions. Marine fishing operations such as anchoring, setting nets, net hauling and collecting fish also have high risks and require a high level of professional skills. In trials, disputes over labour contracts and personal injury on the sea which are closely connected to fishermen and crew members happen frequently. Since NMC took up its duties, it has accepted 347 cases of disputes involving fishermen and crew. The main problems reflected in the cases are: (1) There is a large demand for crew employment in August and September when it is suitable for fishing. Thus, it has gradually developed the practice of paying crew members 1-2 months' wages in advance. After receiving advance wages, some crew members do not come on board for various reasons, or even take advance wages from multiple shipowners, harming the interests of shipowners.(2) The labor contracts are not signed in a standard way.The agreement on working hours and wage standard is unclear. The shipowner maliciously delays the crew’s wages when the profit is not good or there are losses, which damages the legitimate rights and interests of crew members.(3) Due to a lack of proficiency in operations at sea, some crew become disabled or even die after being strangled by netting machines or dragged by fishing nets.

Suggestions: (1) Improve professional skills. Fishermen should accept vocational training in fishery safety, to improve skills such as navigation, collision prevention, scientific loading, using fishing apparatuses, safety measures for breeding rafts, self-rescue and rescuing others as well as the awareness of safe production. Crew should be licensed and receive regular skills training. (2) Sign written labour contracts. Sign contracts in writing as far as possible and fix the relevant evidence in time, focusing on clear agreements on wage rates, working hours, vacation and leave benefits, etc. (3) Take out insurance against risks. Crew should negotiate with the shipowner to purchase adequate commercial insurance for the crew and actively participate in mutual fishery insurance to diffuse the high risks of marine fishing operationsproperly .


.Typical Cases

Case 1: The carrier shall not be exempt from the liability for shortage of cargo under a single bill of lading on the ground that the shortage of whole cargo is within reasonable limits.

——Xiamen C&D Commodities Limitedvs. Huaxinghai Shipping Co., Ltd.

Dispute over Contract of Carriage of Goods by Sea

Basic Facts

Xiamen C&D Commodities Limited("C&D" for short) purchased Ukrainian corn from Singapore Huajie Company and the goods were carried by the vessel "Huaxinghai" owned by Huaxinghai Company. The ship issued clean bills of lading numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively (B/L 1 and 2 were owned by C&D and B/L 3 and 4 by Heng Sheng, an outer party) for transportation from Ukraine to China, but the cargo under the four bills of lading didnt distinguish shipping space. The ship involved unloaded the goods under B/L 1 in Huangpu Port, China, with a shortage of 18.05 tons, and unloaded the goods under B/Ls 2, 3 and 4 in Zhangjiagang, China, with a shortage of 320.95 tons, making a total shortage of 339 tons under the four B/Ls. The commodity inspection agency provided weight certificates based on the water measurement for each of the four B/Ls. Then, C&D Company filed a lawsuit to NMC, claiming compensation for the shortage of 339 tons under the four B/Ls. Huangxinghai company argued that the carrier should be exempted from liability for the shortage of goods within 5‰.

Judgement Results

After hearing the case, NMC held that C&D was not the legal holder of B/Ls 3 and 4, and was not entitled to claim from Huaxinghai Company for the shortage of goods under B/Ls 3 and 4. Since it issued four sets of clean B/Ls, Huaxinghai Company should deliver the goods of the weight recorded in the respective B/Ls in the port of destination to the corresponding consignee, and it can claim the exemption from liability for the reasonable shortage of 5‰ of cargo to each holder or consignee according to each B/L, but it lacked legal basis to put forward the exemption from liability for the shortage within 5‰ of all cargo. Because the shortage of goods under B/L 1 was within 5 ‰, Huaxinghai Company can be exempted from the liability for the loss of this shortage. The shortage of goods under B/L 2 exceeded 5‰. Additionally, no evidence was adduced to distinguish the loss caused respectively by reasonable and unreasonable factors, or to prove that Huaxinghai Company wasn’t liable for the losses, so the company should compensate for the losses under B/L 2.

Profound Significance

This case is a typical contract dispute over marine transportation of "Belt and Road" bulk cargoes. According to Rules for the Weight Survey of Import and Export Commodities—Weight by Draft, China's inspection standard of import and export commodities, if the unloaded cargo is short within 5‰, it can be regarded as a reasonable shortage due to natural losses, measurement tolerances, etc., unless contrary evidence is adduced that the carrier is negligent, then the carrier, in principle, is not liable for the losses. The case involved multiple B/Ls issued by the carrier belonging to different B/L holders and consignees, multiple unloading ports and the fact that the goods under different B/Ls weren't stored in separate compartments. Hence, the freighter was not allowed to claim exemption from liability for the shortage within 5‰ of all cargo. As for this case, NMC correctly interpreted the principle of "the B/L is the absolute evidence between the carrier and the holder of the B/L" and reasonably defined the rights of the holders of the B/L for mixed bulk cargoes by accurately grasping the carrier's "reasonable shortage" exemption, which can act as a future reference for the settlement of disputes over the shortage of bulk cargoes during marine transportation.

Case No.(2020) Jiangsu 72, Civil Case First Instance No.35


Case 2: Exceeding the reference cargo volume stated in the inspection certificate does not necessarily constitute overloading

Jiangsu Jinma Transportation Group Co., Ltd vs.PICC Property and Casualty Company Limited (Jingjiang Branch)

Dispute over marine insurance contract

Basic Facts

On 19th November 2018, the vessel "Jinma 988", loading 1,200 tons of stainless steel, belonging to Jinma Company (hereinafter referred to as Jinma) sailed from Fuzhou, Fujian Province and touched an unknown object when passing through the waters about 2 nautical miles southeast of Damu Island in Xiangshan, Zhejiang Province, resulting in the part of the loaded stainless steel being soaked by the sea water flooding in the broken vessel bottom, which represented a loss of over 470 thousand yuan. After compensating the cargo owner, Jinma claimed the insurance liability from PICC Property and Casualty Company Limited (Jingjiang Branch) (hereinafter referred to as Jingjiang PICC).Jingjiang PICC considered that the actual cargo volume of the vessel exceeded the reference cargo volume stated in the ship's inspection certificate, so it was the overloading that led to the accident. They refused to settle the claim as the overloading was an exemption from liability as agreed in the insurance reservation agreement and the insurance clause. Jinma later appealed to NMC, requesting that Jingjiang PICC be ordered to pay the insurance compensation.

Judgement Results

After hearing the case, NMC held that the ship inspection certificate of the vessel "Jinma 988" recorded that the ship had a fully-loaded displacement capacity of 1310.5 tons and a reference cargo capacity of 950 tons. At the time of the accident, the ship was loaded with 1200 tons of steel, which exceeded the reference cargo capacity, which was not sufficient to decide the ship was overloaded. Both parties had afterwards tested the ship on site when it was loaded with the same weight of cargo as at the time of the accident, and the ship did not exceed the load line. After the accident, the maritime department only inspected the maritime statement and did not determine that the ship was overloaded. Jingjiang PICC did not investigate after Jinma reported the accident, either. No evidence confirmed the overloading, so it was decided that Jingjiang PICC should bear the insurance liability for the accident of “Jinma 988”.

Profound Significance

Overloading of ships will reduce the resistance to sinking and navigation stability,increase the risk of capsizing, andinduce major traffic accidents, which is a greatly "persistent problem" in water traffic safety management. This case distinguishes the way of determining overloading of ships and that of land trucks. Overloading of ships means that the actual full load displacement of ships exceeds the approved one and the load line is submerged by water. Vessels should choose the load line according to the sailing area and the season. Additionally, the reference cargo capacity stated in the ship inspection certificate is only an approximate value for certain type of cargoes with stowage factors when the ship is designed, which only has, to some extent, a reference value for the weight of certain cargoes loaded on the ship and cannot be directly used as the basis for determining the overloading of the ship. The standard of approved load lines for ships adopted in this case is the general rule for ship safety inspection and enforcement, and will further enhance the directness and precision of enforcement and inspection of overloaded ships by administrative and law-enforcing departments, and improve the safety and law-abiding awareness of shipping entities.

Case No.(2020)Jiangsu 72, Civil Case First Instance No.771


Case 3:The limitation fund for maritime liability shall be applied on the basis of the attributes of the vessel involved in the accident determined according to the route the vessel took at the time of the accident

—Shanghai Dengheng Shipping Co., Ltd. applying for the establishment of the limitation fund for marine claim

Basic Facts

Dingheng Company is the bareboat charterer of "Dingheng 18".On 25 July 2020, the vessel sailed from Huizhou port to Caojing port to discharge its cargo. On 27 July, during its journey to Taizhou port after the unloading, the vessel crashed into the "East Tai Cargo 5588" near the red buoys, capsizing the "East Tai Cargo 5588" with its all cargoes sinking. Hence, Dingheng Company applied to NMC for the establishment of a maritime liability limitation fund for non-personal injury or death caused by the accident, the amount of which was determined in accordance with 50% of the compensation limit stipulated in Article 210(1) of the Maritime Code of the People's Republic of China ("Maritime Code" for short). Opposed to that, New Dongwu Company argued that the "Dingheng 18" was capable of international navigation and was not a ship engaged in the transportation of goods between ports in the People's Republic of China or in coastal operations as stipulated in the Maritime Code. Therefore, the maritime compensation limit in this case should not be calculated in accordance with 50% of the compensation limit stipulated in Article 210(1) of the Maritime Code.

Judgement Results

After investigation, NMC held that although Dingheng Company had obtained a permit to engage in international shipping of dangerous cargoes and "Dingheng 18" had obtained a certificate of classification issued by the China Classification Society, it was still necessary to judge whether "Dingheng 18" was a ship engaged in transportation between ports in China based on the specific circumstances of the voyage in which the maritime accident occurred. In this case, the accident occurred when "Dingheng 18" was travelling from Caojing Port to Taizhou Port to receive the cargo, therefore, "Dingheng 18" should be regarded as a vessel engaged in transportation between ports in China and the relevant provisions concerning the maritime compensation limit could apply to this case. The maritime compensation limit could be calculated in accordance with 50% of the provisions. Accordingly, it was decided that Dingheng Company’s application for the establishment of a maritime liability limitation fund was granted.

Profound Significance

Limitation of maritime liability, a very old system of maritime risk apportionment, refers to a legal system whereby, in the event of a major maritime accident, the responsible person limits his or her liability to a certain extent in accordance with the provisions of the law. This case is the first application for the establishment of a maritime liability limitation fund heard by NMC since its establishment. In this case, although the vessel was capable and qualified for international voyages, NMC considered that the vessel's previous voyage, the planned next voyage and the first voyage after the accident were all in domestic waters, and finally held that "Dingheng 18" was a vessel engaged in the transportation of goods between ports in China at the time of the accident. It can be of guiding values for shipping enterprises, especially domestic coastal transport enterprises to correctly use the maritime liability limitationsystem to avoid shipping risks.

Case No.(2020) Jiangsu 72, Civil Case Special Hearing No.70


Case 4:Give-way vessels should actively take "early, big, wide and clear" evasive action when two vessels meet

—Sino Construction Shipping (HK) Limited vs. ZHENG Xx, et al

Dispute over liability for losses arising from vessel collision

Basic Facts

On 22 May 2018, the Panamanian bulk carrier, "ZHONG JIAN", owned by Sino Construction Shipping (HK) Limited (hereinafter referred to as Sino Construction), collided with the vessel "An Jieli 18", owned by Mr. Zheng, in the southern waters of the Yellow Sea, causing different degrees of damage to the two vessels. It was found that "ZHONG JIAN" needed RMB 1,676,834.14 for repair costs, inspection fees, rent and fuel losses, and "An Jieli 18" needed RMB 715,573 for repair costs, loss of shipping time and maintenance costs. Due to the dispute between the two parties over the liability of the accident, Sino Construction filed a lawsuit to NMC, claiming Mr. Zheng to compensate for the loss in accordance with the 90% liability ratio, while Mr. Zheng countersued, claiming Sino Construction to compensate for the loss in accordance with the 60% liability ratio.

Judgement Results

After the hearing, NMC held that sailing vessels should comply with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972 (hereinafter referred to as Regulations for Preventing Collisions). In this case, although "An Jieli 18" did not have access to the bow direction data, the bow direction of "An Jieli 18" could be determined by factoring in wind pressure difference and other data. Given AIS and SVDR of "ZHONG JIAN", and AIS of "An Jieli 18", it was safe to conclude that when the two ships saw each other, "ZHONG JIAN" was on the starboard side of "An Jieli 18". The two vessels met at a large angle or perpendicular to each other. According to the provisions of Regulations for Preventing Collisions on the evasive action to be taken when two vessels meet, it can be concluded that "ZHONG JIAN" was a stand-on vessel and "An Jieli 18" was a give-way vessel. "An Jieli 18" misjudged that the other party was an overtaking vessel and failed to fulfill the obligation of giving way to the stand-on vessel as early as possible, resulting in the urgent situation between the two vessels. Therefore, "An Jieli 18" should bear the main responsibility for the accident. Meanwhile, "ZHONG JIAN" violated Article 17 of Regulations for Preventing Collisions, which stipulates that a stand-on vessel can take actions alone, and should bear secondary responsibility for the accident. In summary, NMC decided that "ZHONG JIAN" bore 30% of the responsibility for the accident and "An Jieli 18" bore 70% of the responsibility for the accident, and accordingly determined the specific amount of compensation to be borne by Sino Construction and Mr. Zheng.

Profound Significance

As an important maritime regulation to prevent ship collisions and ensure maritime traffic safety, Regulations for Preventing Collisions is a common maritime traffic rule to be observed by ships sailing on the high seas and all navigable waters connected thereto. According to Regulations for Preventing Collisions, when vessels are approaching one another while sailing in the fairway, a vessel which is directed to keep out of the way of another vessel (Give-way vessel) shall, so far as possible, take early and substantial action to keep well clear. In this case, on the basis of ascertained facts, NMC accurately comprehended the technical and legal nature of Regulations for Preventing Collisions, recognized the two vessels were under head-on situation when they met, and then identified the Stand-on vessel and the Give-way vessel,and analysed the actions to avoid collision taken at each stage. Accordingly, the liability and the liability ratio for the accident were reasonably determined, which plays an important guiding role in raising the awareness of navigation safety and strict compliance with Regulations for Preventing Collisions.

Case No.(2019) Jiangsu 72, Civil Case First Instance No.74


Case 5: Safety management and actions on emergencies should be taken promptly after seizing a ship loaded with dangerous chemicals

—Pre-litigation seizure of "Gao Cheng 5"

Basic Facts

"GAO CHENG 5", a dangerous chemical vessel registered in Hong Kong, China, was seized by NMC according to an application from a financial holding company to whom the shipowner owed a loan of RMB 45.58 million. When the vessel was seized at the wharf of a company in Jingjiang Port, Jiangsu Province, there were 19 crew members on board(including 5  of  Myanmar nationality), and the vessel was loaded with more than 1,600 tons of the hazardous inflammable chemical, sec-butyl acetate (SBAC). The vessel has been detained in Jingjiang port due to the failure of reaching an agreement on payment between the two parties. As there was no permitted anchorage for dangerous chemical  vessels in the Jingjiang port, and objective conditions to the vessel was unsatisfied as well, the prolonged storage of such hazardous chemical posed significant threats to the vessel and its crew, the water environment near the port and even the Yangtze River.


In order to clear the potential safety hazards arising from the long-time loading of dangerous chemical on board, NMC actively coordinated with the seizure applicant, the shipowner, the owner of the cargo, the terminal company, the compartment-cleaning company, the border inspection department and the customs to quickly accomplish a series of activities such as firstly moving the vessel to a terminal company in Changshu Port to unload and clean the compartments, and then berthing the vessel at an anchorage for dangerous chemicals in Taicang Port. During the process, NMC paid close attention to the living conditions of the ship's crew and coordinated with the shipping agent and the maritime department to ensure the supply of living necessities on board in a timely manner. After anchoring, the ship faced the risk of losing control of the anchor in winter when strong winds were common.In order to ensure the safety of the ship, the Court actively coordinated with Jiangsu Maritime Bureau and Taicang Maritime Bureau. With the joint efforts of the shipowner and the crew, a tugboat was arranged to be stationed in time to control the anchor. With the Spring Festival approaching, shipowner's delay in paying wages made the crew very anxious. NMC actively calmed the crew and negotiated the plan to pay wages with the shipowner, the shipping agent, the crew-dispatched company and the seizure applicant. So far, Various risks arising from seizing "Gao Cheng 5"were effectively resolved.

Profound Significance

The Yangtze River is the mother river of the Chinese nation, an important strategic water source, ecological treasure and golden waterway in China. In this case, prolonged seizure of the foreign ship carrying dangerous chemicals posed a direct threat to the ecological safety and environmental protection of the Yangtze River waters. NMC gave full play to the "1+10" collaboration mechanism between Jiangsu maritime judicature and administrative law enforcement, and actively sought the support from departments such as the maritime, health and foreign affairs. With the collaboration of the parties involved and assisting departments, the Court eventually eliminated the major hidden peril posed by the dangerous chemicals on board through timely safety management and emergency disposal measures. The case provided a useful demonstration for the people's courts to prevent and resolve similar risks. In addition to actively practicing good and civilized judicature, safeguarding people's lives and properties as well as preventing safety accidents in accordance with the law, this case also showed effective water protection of the Yangtze River. This case was a concrete practice for the people's courts to provide judicial services for the great protection of the Yangtze River and safeguard the green development of the Yangtze River basin.


Case 6: Foreign parties who are unable to go through the notarization and identification in time due to the pandemic shall be allowed to apply for an extension to submit their identity documents

—Jiangsu Xinruiyuan Food Co., Ltd., et al vs.CMA CGM Group,CMA CGM (China) Limited,CNC Line Limited, Cheng Lie Navigation Co., Ltd.

Dispute over contract for carriage of goods at sea

Basic Facts

In May 2019, "ALS JUVENTUS" was carrying several containers of fresh garlic from Lianyungang, China to Surabaya, Indonesia. The bill of lading was issued by CMA CGM (China) Limited, on behalf of the carrier, CMA CGM Group. CNC Line Limited and Cheng Lie Navigation Co., Ltd., on behalf of CMA CGM Group, dealt with relevant affairs during the issuance of the bill of lading and the consignment process. Later, due to improper management by the shipping company, the cargoes involved in the case suffered heat wastes, resulting in losses due to the failure of receiving the payment for the goods of a number of shippers, including Jiangsu Xinruiyuan Food Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Xinruiyuan). Later, Xinruiyuan and six other companies filed a lawsuit to NMC to claim compensation for the loss of goods.

Judgement Results

The six cases were accepted during the COVID-19 Pandemic. As the cases involved parties whose places of businessare in France, Singapore and China Taiwan, the service of judicial documents was difficult. Therefore, NMC searched through judicial big data and contacted the agents ad litem in China who were frequently appointed by the foreign parties . But since then, the pandemic in foreign countries has greatly affected the notarization of the letter of attorney. In order to guarantee the progress of the case, with the consent of Xinruiyuan and the other five companies, NMCallowed the lawyers to delay the submission of the authentication certificate. CMA CGM Group objected to the jurisdiction of NMC on the grounds that the bill of lading in the case included an agreement that "all disputes over the contract of carriage of goods evidenced by this bill of lading shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Commercial Court of Marseille, France". In the process of waiting for the notarial certification, NMC promptly mediated between the parties and guided the parties to clearly understand the attribution of liabilities. After mediation, the parties reached a consensus that the disputes would be settled by negotiation between CMA CGM Group and the adverse parties. In July 2020, CMA CGM Group submitted the notarial certificate of the letter of attorney and agreed to accept the jurisdiction of NMC. After several online exchanges of evidence and online mediations, a mediation agreement was finally reached to settle the six disputes "in a single package".

Profound Significance

This series of case involving may parties and complicated legal relationships are typical case involving froeign elements,"Belt and Road"countries and pilot free trade zones. In handling of these cases, NMC adopted a proactive and flexible approach to service, allowing foreign parties to postpone the submission of relevant notarization and authentication documents, to address the difficulties in service of judicial documents, notarization and authentication in the cases involving foreigen elements during the pandemic. This innovative judicial practice has been recognized by the later issued Guiding Opinions of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Concerning Properly Handling Civil Cases Related to COVID-19 Epidemic in Accordance with the Law (III). During the process of the case, NMC upheld the equal protection and won the trust of foreign parties with fair, professional and dedicated performance as well as convenient and efficient judicial services. The French parties accepted the jurisdiction of NMC over the series of cases and finally reached a mediation agreement to assume liabilities with Xinruiyuan and the other five companies. These cases demonstrated a good image of Chinese maritime courts as fair, efficient and professional, which were vivid practices of NMC to build a preferred place for maritime litigation and develop an international and convenient business environment with rule of law.

Case No.(2020) Jiangsu 72, Civil Case First Instance No.177


Case 7: The "relevant authority" under the Civil Code to prove the impossibility of survival of a natural person shall be reasonably determined under certain conditions

—Xu Xx’s application for declaring Wang Xx dead

Basic Facts

Xu Xx and Wang Xx are husband and wife, both villagers of Mazhuang Village, Haitou Town, Ganyu District, Lianyungang. On 15 April 2021, Wang Xx was hired by Yan Xx, villager of Haiqian Village, Haitou Town, Ganyu District, to carry out fishing operations on the fishing boat "SuGanYu 03789" in bad weather. The fishing boat capsized, five people, including the owner of the boat Yan Xx, fell into the water and disappeared. After search and rescue, only one crew member's body was retrieved. The other people on the boat, including Wang Xx, were not found. In July 2021, the villagers' committee of Mazhuang village where Wang Xx belonged, the villagers' committee of Haiqian village where Yan Xx was located, Haitou Town Fishery Supervision Detachment and Haitou Town People's Government issued a certificate that given the special environment, time, location, environment and search and rescue, Wang Xx was unlikely to survive. On 21 July 2021, Xu Xx applied to NMC to declare Wang Xx dead.

Judgement Results

NMC accepted the case, visited and investigated the villages where respectively Wang Xx, Yan Xx belonged, asked for relevant information from one-stop centre for resolving fishing-related conflicts , checked the authenticity of the relevant certificates issued by the villagers' committees and town government. On August 3, 2021, NMC found an announcement in the People's Court Daily for searching Wang Xx. After the expiry of the statutory notice period of three months, NMC organized a hearing in November 2021, still no news of Wang Xx. Accordingly, in accordance with Article 46 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China and Article 185 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China on the declaration of death of natural persons, Wang Xx was declared dead in accordance with the law.

Profound Significance

Marine fishing is a publicly recognized high-risk industry. It usually covers multiple production spots in a wide area, requires a long period and is subject to the catastrophic marine weather. Once a major marine accident such as a ship capsizing occurs, there is little chance of crew members' survival after falling overboard. The case was a typical application for a special procedure to declare the death of a natural person due to an accident in which the whereabouts were unknown.During the trial of the case, NMC, through many visits and in-depth investigation of the objective reality of local fishery production, reasonably interpreted the scope of "relevant authorities" as stipulated in Article 46(2) of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, which was not limited to the commonly perceived departments such as marine police and public security, but expanded to the village committee, primary-level people's government, fishery supervision department and fishery production institutions that were aware of the accident. NMC has thus determined that the certificate of impossibility of survival issued by the aforementioned authorities is legally valid, has confirmed that the application for declaration of death is not limited to two years in accordance with the law, and has declared the death in accordance with the law after the expiry of the notice period, so as to protect the rights of the respondent's next of kin such as right relief and handling legal relations including claims, debts and identity. This also demonstrated the support for social and economic stability.

Case No.(2021) Jiangsu 72, Civil Case First InstanceNo.59


Case 8: The port operator should put up clear safety warning signs and appoint specially-assigned person manage safety in the operating area

—Ding Xx vs. Lu Xx,Qidong Huaxiang Construction Upholstery Materials Co.,Ltd.

Dispute over compensation for personal injuryin port operations

Basic Facts

On 31 March 2021, Ding Xx drove the cargo ship "Su Tongyuan Cargo 8588" to dock at the Huajiang Wharf in Lvsigang Town, Qidong. Huaxiang Company arranged for Lu Xx, who held a crane operating certificate, to operate the crane to unload the yellow sand carried by the cargo ship. At the end of the unloading operation, Ding Xx was injured heavily when he was knocked down by the crane balance weight. After the accident, the People's Government of Lvsigang Town, Qidong City, issued an administrative penalty decision to Huaxiang Company on the grounds that Huaxiang Company's failure to set up obvious safety warning signs on the production and operation sites with greater risk factors aswell as related facilities and equipment, which violated the safety production law and relevant codes of practice. Thus, the government decided to impose an administrative penalty of RMB 15,000. The injury of Ding Xx in hospital incurred accumulated medical expenses of RMB 637,775.46, of which Huaxiang company advanced RMB 250,000. Later, Ding Xx sued to NMC, requesting that Huaxiang Company be ordered to pay RMB 387,775.46, the remaining medical expenses incurred.

Judgement Results

NMC, after hearing the case, held that Huaxiang Company, as a port operator, did not set up obvious safety warning signs in the operating area and on the operating equipment, or arrange for anyone to manage safety in the operating area, which meant its failure to fulfill safety management obligations, and that the company was at fault for the loss of Ding Xx. Thus, the company should bear the responsibility for compensation. Ding Xx, knowing that the loading and unloading operation was underway, entered the operating area without permission. When he was out of the crane driver's sight, he didn't pay attention to the moving crane, or fulfill dutyofcareon his own safety, leading to the occurrence of danger. He was also at fault for his own injuries. Thus, the Huaxiang Company's compensation responsibility can be mitigated. Considering the fault and responsibility of the two parties in the accident, it was determined that the Huaxiang Company was liable for the 60% of the loss caused by the accident, Ding Xx was liable for the 40%. After the first trial, the parties did not appeal.

Profound Significance

Jiangsu is a major port province, with a number of indicators, such as port cargo handling capacity, the number of over-10,000-ton berths, cargo throughput and the number of 100-million-ton large ports, ranking first in China. Due to the complexity and continuity of port operations, serious accidents can easily occur during the port operations. In particular, a large number of accidents involving machinery injuries are caused by irregular operations, so the safety of port operations needs urgent attention. This case is a typical case of disputes over personal injury occurred during loading and unloading of port cargo. By reasonably defining the work contents and work duties of the operators and determining in accordance with the law the division of responsibility for the accident based on the fulfillment of obligations by all parties, NMC has played a guiding and exemplary role in promoting port operation subjects to strictly comply with the safety production management regulations over the operation and safe production, ensuring the safe and healthy development of port enterprises.

Case No. (2021) Jiangsu 72, Civil Case First Instance No.683


Case 9: Reinforcing civilizedexecution of cases and minimizing the interference in business activities

Execution ofTongde Ship Building & Repairing Co., Ltd. serial cases

Basic Facts

At the end of 2020, affected by the fluctuation of the international shipping market, Tongde Ship Building & Repairing Co., Ltd.("Tongde Company" for short) faced serious difficulties. Then its capital chain rupture led to a series of contract disputes over ship materials,ship construction and labour. The related parties reached a settlement agreement during the trial. Later, as Tongde Company failed to fulfill its legal obligations in accordance with the civil mediation in force, the applicants applied to NMC for forcible execution, with the total amount applied for reaching over RMB 20 million.

Execution Results

During the execution of cases, NMC was fully aware of  the recent dilemma of the shipbuilding industry. Provincial research showed, Tongde Company had not been involved in any lawsuit for more than 20 years since itsestablishment. Now it had nodeposits, real estate and other properties for execution. In order to both help the private shipbuilding enterprises to overcome the difficulties and protect applicants` legitimate rights and interests, NMC decided to carry out the centralized execution method in Nantong by visiting relevant local enterprises, holding creditors' meetings, and offsetting debts in objects, using execution guarantees. Eventually, NMC achieved the "package" solution that “prioritizes the assistance to the applicant in cases involving people's livelihood, guarantees the execution of small-target cases in place at one time, reaches the settlement agreement for large-target cases”.

Profound Significance

Jiangsu is a major shipbuilding province with a 100-billion shipbuilding industry, accounting for nearly half of the country's yearly shipbuilding capacity. Private shipbuilding enterprises are important roles in promoting the rapid development of the shipbuilding industry. A proper exeuction of Tongde case is not only related to whether the legitimate rights and interests of creditors can be filfulled in time, but also to whether the private shipbuilding enterprises can reduce their losses and tide over the difficulties. NMC gave full play to its provincial jurisdiction and carried out region-focused execution through careful research, scientific screening and precise implementation, effectively avoiding the waste of judicial resources in these execution. Meanwhile, NMC actively implemented civilized execution, strengthened the responsibility of the applicant to provide property clues, facilitated the parties involved in the case to reach a settlement agreement, and relieved the pressure of debt for the "honest and unfortunate" executed enterprises in accordance with the law.NMC demonstrates the important role of maritime judicature in safeguarding the business environment and accurately facilitatea healthy development of private enterprises.

Case No.(2020) Jiangsu 72 Execution Case No.106, 108, 116,(2021) Jiangsu72 Execution Case No.31, 32, 157, 233, 234, 235, 236


Case 10: Foreign arbitralawards shall be recognized and enforced where there is no refusal of recognition and enforcement in accordance with international treaties concluded by China

——Application for recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards by NHE Shipping Co., Ltd. and Jiangsu Sihairong Import & Export Co., Ltd.

Basic Facts

On 29 September 2019, Panamanian NHE Shipping Company (hereinafter referred to as "NHE") and Jiangsu Sihairong Import & Export Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as"Sihairong Company") signed the Charter Confirmation, agreeing that Sihairong Company would charter NHE's vessel Hailan to transport a batch of goods. Later, NHE initiated arbitration in London, UK for disputes over the aforementioned Charter Confirmation. On 23 June 2020, arbitrator Ian Gaunt rendered an arbitral award in relation to the disputes over the Charter Confirmation for the vessel "Hailan ZhiHeng". On 1 July 2020, Ian Gaunt issued a Correction Memorandum of the Arbitral Award, which corrected the arbitral award in relation to the time of the signing of the Charter Confirmation. Afterwards, NHE appealed to NMC for the recognition and enforcement of the arbitral award as Sihairong Company failed to perform its obligations as determined by the arbitral award.

Judgement Results

After examination, NMC held that both the UK and China are parties to the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (hereinafter referred to as the "New York Convention"). According to Article 5 of the New York Convention, conditions under which refusal to recognize and enforce a foreign arbitral award can be divided into two categories: first, the respondent is required to request and provide evidence, including the invalidity of the arbitration agreement; second, the court takes the initiative to review according to its functions and powers, including non-arbitrable disputes and violation of the public policy of the palce where the court is located. In this case, the respondent, Sihairong Company, did not appear before the court for defence and cross-examination, did not raise objections to the validity of the arbitration agreement in question, the appointment of the arbitrators, the super-adjudication of the award, the composition of the arbitral tribunal and the arbitration procedure, did not submit evidence to prove that the aforementioned matters were defective, and did not raise the defence to refuse recognition and enforcement. In view of the fact that the arbitral award involved a dispute arising from the performance of the charter contract, which was a contractual commercial legal relationship between equal subjects, and the parties had the right to choose to settle the dispute by arbitration, which did not violate the public policy of China's society, it was ruled that the foreign arbitral award in question was recognized and enforced.

Profound Significance

Arbitration is an internationally accepted way to resolve disputes. For its features such as party autonomy, expert adjudication, finality, efficiency and flexibility, and strong international enforcement, it is favoured by enterprises and has become one of the main ways for market players to resolve cross-border commercial disputes. Recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards is a practice of China's judicial organs to recognize and implement foreign arbitral awards by applying relevant laws, an important manifestation of the State's exercise of judicial sovereignty, and is of great significance in both promoting international economic and trade development and creating a stable, fair, transparent and predictable business environment based on the rule of law. This case is the first case of recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards heard by NMC. During the trial of the case, NMC accurately applied the provisions of the New York Convention on the basis of ascertaining the facts of the case, and recognized and enforced the arbitral award in question, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese and foreign parties equally. The trial of this case is conducive to enhancing the recognition and trust of foreign enterprises in China's business environment based on the rule of law.

Case No.(2020) Jiangsu 72Assisting Foreign Case (Recognition) No.1